The Big LIVE Phone In Radio Show
Monday 23rd march 2015 sees London Taxi Radio host the BIG LIVE Phone In Radio Show, LIVE from the Oak Taxi Cafe at 2pm with Special Guests
Russell Howarth (@arrestinguber)
The LCDC @the_LCDC
The UCG @UnitedCabbies
Taxi Too @TaxiToo
Call The Show
You can call in and speak to anyone taking part in the following ways:
020 8144 8294
07873 994563
Skype: LondonTaxiRadio
If call numbers are high we may add more numbers during the show that you can call in on.
Listen to the Show
You can listen to the show by clicking play on the Radio Player on the right of this page.
Or via the Tune In Radio App on your smartphone
We really don’t know how many people will tune in tomorrow, we are limited by what the servers can handle, but in case you cannot Tune In by using Tune In Radio or via the website we have set up an Emergency Player Here