
Problems Monday 8th October 2012

We must apologise for the problems we encountered during SuperCabby's Request Show tonight, this was caused in the first instance by a Internet Broadband Crash which occurred twice during the start of the show which we believe caused the Shoutcast Stream servers to...

Stream Information

We have now converted our 24kbps MP3 stream to aacPlus which gives a lot better sound quality in full stereo. We have also converted what was our 32kbps MP3 stream and downgraded it to 12kbps aacPlus mono, so for those of you who have a limited data allowance on your...

Call the Studio

We are going to experiment with taking calls in the studio using Skype. If you have a Skype account then please add us as a contact. Our Skype username is Londontaxiradio So give us a call in the studio    

Text the Studio

We are now able to accept SMS messages in the Studio Just send you text to 07743 161656    

AAC Plus Stream

We have been experimenting with a new stream called aacPlus which gives superb sound quality over low bit rate streams and I must say that the results are really quite impressive. The experimental aacPlus stream is running at 24kbps and sounds just as good as the...

First Ever Successful Broadcast

London Taxi Radio managed to complete a first ever successful broadcast and it wasn't really meant to happen! Basically we were testing the stream with the mixer in line and getting the levels right and we just decided to go live, we must however apologise that the...

Another New Stream at 24Kbps

We have decided to add another lower stream at 24Kbps, this is to further preserve drivers data allowance and also not eat up the bandwidth while using other apps. This new stream should come on line in the early part of this week

New Stream added

We are currently broadcasting at 64kbps which is about the same quality as FM terrestrial radio but most commercial radio stations offer numerous streams to suit their listeners needs. We would like to offer the same but at present funds prevent us from doing so, we...

Now Listed on TuneIn Radio

We are really pleased to announce that we are now listed on TuneIn radio. TuneIn Radio is available as either the basic version of the app which is free to download and use or the Pro Version which costs under £1 on most devices and offers a few more facilities and...

Wedding Taxis

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